School Overview



School Overview


In 2017 Hopetoun Primary School celebrated its 10th Anniversary as a Level 4 Primary School. Situated in the seaside town of Hopetoun on the south coast of the state, it is approximately 50km south of Ravensthorpe, 200 and 340kms west of Esperance and Albany respectively. The population of the town is approximately one thousand.


School Grounds and Buildings

The grounds are extensive with gardens being developed, including the recent Reflective, Reconciliation Garden Retreat. A series of organic gardens, tended by students, are planted within the School grounds. The School has an agreement with the local Shire for the use of the town oval which shares its boundary with the School. The School also has a multi-purpose court which is marked for tennis, volleyball, basketball and netball and can be used for a variety of other sporting activities. The undercover area is a part of the main area of the school, and links up with phase 2 of any future development. The School's main buildings are sandstone and blue in colour, depicting the beach and ocean in close proximity. The buildings have state of the art facilities including wireless networks, collegiate areas and shared wet areas.

There are three designated Early Childhood teaching areas and general classroom areas which accommodate middle and upper primary students. Thanks to the efforts of the P&C, students also enjoy the wonders of the Nature Playground and access to the latest playground equipment.



Student numbers have continued to vary due to the fluctuating fortunes of nickel mining in nearby Ravensthorpe but are evenly spread over Early Childhood – Middle and Upper Primary.



The School is developing its own culture and this is due to a highly committed and professional staff. A Principal, Deputy Principal, and six Classroom Teachers, supported by three part time Teachers, six Education Assistants, along with a Manager Corporate Services, two part time School Offices and a Library Officer make up our staffing complement. The demonstrated capacity of the staff to work as a cohesive team provides not only high level achievement but stability and security for all children at the school. Staff members are receptive, responsive and proactive to new educational developments, initiatives and practices.



Community support to the school continues to be outstanding. Parents assist the School in many levels from running the Uniform Shop, Fundraising, helping at busy bees, running the book committees and developing policy and procedures through the P & C and School Council.

The School offers a stimulating learning environment, including Science, History, Physical Education, and Language (Indonesian from 2018) and after-school Drama Club. Sporting programs include In-term Swimming and Athletics competition (Inter and Intra School).


Information technology is a high profile learning area in the school and students are exposed to and participate in a variety of digital technologies that focus on integration to classroom activities. We have a designated ICT Hub located in the library. Interactive Whiteboards and Data Projectors are used extensively while the school’s 30 iPads are accessible on a rotational basis in the teaching/learning process. The school’s bandwidth was increased to 10MBS/second in 2017.


The School's Strategic and Operational Plans uphold the Department of Education WA’s Plan for Public Schools 2017 – 2019. The school aligns itself to the Nine Core Values for Australian Schooling and these underpin our school’s Vision: ‘Hope by the Sea.’ Helpful–Organised-Persistent-Excellent. 

© Hopetoun Primary School