If your child is unwell or away due to appointments or circumstances that are short term, please advise your childs teacher through either a written letter, ClassDojo message or a telephone call to the school office on (08) 6823 1000
If your child is away due to a planned leave, such as a vacation or other personal reasons, please advise the School Principal in writing to hopetoun.ps.admin@education.wa.edu.au
The Principal will get back to you with a letter or acknowledgment to confirm whether the planned leave is 'authorised' or 'not authorised'. It will then be recorded accordingly on your child's attendance and the teacher will be made aware.
It is important we continue to promote students attending school regularly. Students attending regularly achieve stronger educational outcomes, and develop important social and emotional skills that will prepare them for life beyond school.
If you have any questions about attendance and absences, please contact the school during normal office hours.
© Hopetoun Primary School