Talk of the Town

Hopetoun Primary School's official podcast, starting in 2023 the show is now in its second year with new hosts Scarlett, Klay and Stella bringing you everything that is happening around the school and joined by special guests every episode. The podcast promises a touch of chaos and fun in its fornightly episodes, so put the kettle on, grab some popcorn, and enjoy.

Episode 1
This episode sees the Talk of the Town crew discussing everything that has happened in our school lately from the Science Expo, Athletics Carnival and Book Week. They are also joined by superstar special guest Mrs Gregory to talk about what it's like being a sports teacher. 


Episode 2
Charlie, Brodie and Logan give a recap of everything that has been happening around the school lately, discussing topics such as interschool and the book week parade. Then dive into the amazing interview with special guest Mr Caldera who shares his love of animals and teaching. 


Episode 3
Charlie and Brodie discuss jump rope for heart and get to know our new deputy Mrs Stocker.


Episode 4

Charlie, Brodie and Logan discuss jump rope for heart day and what it's like to be a student leader. They then interview the year 5 students who are putting themselves forward for student leader in the upcoming school elections.  


Episode 5

Without Charlie today, Brodie and Logan give you an insight into how the podcast got started. Later on, they have a chat with Mr Sampson the amazing prac teacher in the year 5/6 classroom this term.  


Episode 6

In the final episode of 2023, Charlie, Brodie and Logan sign off for one last time. They discuss their highlights from graduation and then catch-up with their fellow year 6 students as they share their highlights from Primary School and goals for the future. 


Episode 7

In the first episode of 2024, two of our new hosts are absent! So new host Scarlett is joined by Sam and Riley who are filling in. They discuss ANZAC Day, ride to school day and are joined by special guest Mr Marsiglia. 


Episode 8

With the whole gang together for the first time Scarlett, Klay and Stella discuss everything that has been happening around the school and are later joined by the amazing Miss Harris. 


Episode 9

With Sam filling in for Klay, the kids discuss the Barrens faction win in Cross Country and walk to school day, they are then joined by special guest Theresa Miloseski 


Episode 10

Klay, Izzy and Kim discuss the final Cross Country results, Lake King Skills and Drills and fairwell prac teachers Mr Marsiglia and Miss Mills, they are then joined by returning special guest Mr Caldera. 



Episode 11

Scarlett, Stella and Emiliia discuss Emiliia's upcoming birthday and Mud Day happening next week, they are then joined by special guest Mr Dawkins. 


Episode 12

Scarlett, Stella and Klay discuss NAIDOC Week, the upcoming Book Week and joined by the amazing Miss Allison to discuss being a teacher and the journey that led her here. 


Episode 13

Scarlett, Stella and Klay discuss the results from the Athletics carnival and their costumes in this week's Book Week parade, they are then joined by returning former hosts Logan and Charlie. 


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